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Pain is in the mind?

Is the pain in the body or mind?

December 05, 20242 min read

Lucy was in a group that I was presenting to on the power of your mind. She told me she had a sciatic pain that was very painful. I listened to her and asked a few questions. When did this start I asked. She said it was there for about 20 years. This was good information and I probed deeper. What happened 20 years ago? She thought about this for a few seconds and then said that there was a shift in her life. She left a job that she had loved and ended up sitting in an office where she hated the people and the work she had to do. Shortly after we did some group tapping. Using the points known as meridian points I did some EFT. I started by asking her to get up and to let me know how bad the pain was. It was 10. A few minutes later it was 6, then 3 then all the way down to a 1. You may wonder why it did not come to zero and there may be a few reasons for this. First I was presenting to 20 women and it is not fair to focus completely on one person. The next is something I learned a long time ago which is that if pain is meant to protect, it would not be prudent to remove it completely. A good analogy is a person who has a broken leg would do serious damage if they went running on the leg without feeling the message the body is sending to the mind.

pain is in the mind or body

Examining pain a little deeper this is what I learned. First there is a thought. The thought then becomes a thought form and eventually with enough momentum becomes a manifestation. Here is how it applies: You are hurt by a comment. You focus on it and it starts to take form. Eventually it gets trapped in your body. Look at the picture above. The way I see it is that this person is having trouble accepting something (difficult digesting). It did not start right away. First there was something that happened. It did not make sense or hard to understand. Eventually it cause something to manifest. It could be an ulcer or stomach cramps or something else. Once we know that there is something going on the mind can resolve it. I use the information I learned from Louise Hayes.

Painmind control
International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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Pain is in the mind?

Is the pain in the body or mind?

December 05, 20242 min read

Lucy was in a group that I was presenting to on the power of your mind. She told me she had a sciatic pain that was very painful. I listened to her and asked a few questions. When did this start I asked. She said it was there for about 20 years. This was good information and I probed deeper. What happened 20 years ago? She thought about this for a few seconds and then said that there was a shift in her life. She left a job that she had loved and ended up sitting in an office where she hated the people and the work she had to do. Shortly after we did some group tapping. Using the points known as meridian points I did some EFT. I started by asking her to get up and to let me know how bad the pain was. It was 10. A few minutes later it was 6, then 3 then all the way down to a 1. You may wonder why it did not come to zero and there may be a few reasons for this. First I was presenting to 20 women and it is not fair to focus completely on one person. The next is something I learned a long time ago which is that if pain is meant to protect, it would not be prudent to remove it completely. A good analogy is a person who has a broken leg would do serious damage if they went running on the leg without feeling the message the body is sending to the mind.

pain is in the mind or body

Examining pain a little deeper this is what I learned. First there is a thought. The thought then becomes a thought form and eventually with enough momentum becomes a manifestation. Here is how it applies: You are hurt by a comment. You focus on it and it starts to take form. Eventually it gets trapped in your body. Look at the picture above. The way I see it is that this person is having trouble accepting something (difficult digesting). It did not start right away. First there was something that happened. It did not make sense or hard to understand. Eventually it cause something to manifest. It could be an ulcer or stomach cramps or something else. Once we know that there is something going on the mind can resolve it. I use the information I learned from Louise Hayes.

Painmind control
International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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