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The AllanKey Solution - Hypnosis for Lasting Freedom From Anxiety


Like Frost - changes every time

Engaged emotions

December 02, 20231 min read

“It is in the archives. You just need to know how to access it”

Why engage emotions when doing hypnosis? When emotions are engaged, the person becomes open to suggestion. In my sessions, if the person is upset, I use the negative, but the opposite is true too. I can ask them about their car, child, grandchild and get an emotional response.

Some days, or maybe most days, when clients finally come to see me, they are on some form of medication. These often numb feelings. With no feelings, the person responds just a little.

I will keep my blog post short this week, but I encourage you to check my reviews. I have not counted but every second person puts that I am a funny guy. I use my wit to elicit a giggle or a smile. It works. It allows positive suggestions to sink in.

As well, if you want to see the sarcasm in play, check out a few of the tapping videos I do with EFT. They all get a chuckle. The chuckle allows for change. l encourage you to check out some of the tapping on youtube @mindalcehmists

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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Like Frost - changes every time

Engaged emotions

December 02, 20231 min read

“It is in the archives. You just need to know how to access it”

Why engage emotions when doing hypnosis? When emotions are engaged, the person becomes open to suggestion. In my sessions, if the person is upset, I use the negative, but the opposite is true too. I can ask them about their car, child, grandchild and get an emotional response.

Some days, or maybe most days, when clients finally come to see me, they are on some form of medication. These often numb feelings. With no feelings, the person responds just a little.

I will keep my blog post short this week, but I encourage you to check my reviews. I have not counted but every second person puts that I am a funny guy. I use my wit to elicit a giggle or a smile. It works. It allows positive suggestions to sink in.

As well, if you want to see the sarcasm in play, check out a few of the tapping videos I do with EFT. They all get a chuckle. The chuckle allows for change. l encourage you to check out some of the tapping on youtube @mindalcehmists

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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