Mon-Friday 9am - EST and Saturday 9am - noon EST (647) 699-2204

The AllanKey Solution - Hypnosis for Lasting Freedom From Anxiety

Manifest Prosperity and Abundance

Prosperity Is The Outcome Of Mindset

You are here because what is naturally yours is not flowing into your life as easily as you want.

  • Do YOU believe you are worthy and deserving?

  • Do you believe that YOU need to be lucky to get what YOU want?

  • Do YOU believe that you need to work hard to succeed?

You are always right, because whether you believe it is true or not, you always get what you believe.

Re-program The Way You Think To Allow Prosperity And Abundance

Comprehensive Toolkit of Holistic Techniques

The financial success you will gain, will help you reap benefits in other areas too:

  • Personal growth

  • Emotional well-being

  • Spiritual development

The monthly sessions will create habits to draw more into your life, and quickly release the blocks that inhibit prosperity and abundance.

It is easy but most are not focused and disciplined. By committing to a regular practice and with the support, it becomes easier as we develop beneficial habits.

Start At Any Time

The Modules Loop Over 12 Months. Each module will run for a full 30 days to allow you to master a process. One process does not need to be mastered prior to the next.


Subscribe for a monthly cost of $20 or save more by subscribing yearly $180. Cancel at any time.


Receive an audio or video recording of the monthly master class. The master class will be split into EFT tapping for limiting beliefs, hypnosis for reframing thoughts and ideas and a mind tool to practice with.

For that small investment, you get access to the entire online Academy, where you can work at your own pace, as well as our regular live, interactive zoom calls, like the Mastery Series where your community shares the real deal on how they’ve used the process, what they manifested, and also what is not working for them. If it was easy everybody would be rich. It is easy but most are not focused. Focus takes discipline and it gets more easy as we make it a habit. We’re talking pure, unfiltered gold here! This month-to-month membership is flexible as rubber—you can cancel anytime.

But wait, there’s more...

I also offer the monthly Master Class, with recorded hypnosis, EFT tapping for specific beliefs and also a lesson on how to use the tool of the month. These include tools from Abraham-Hicks, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Raymon Grace, Joe Vitale, and more!

So what are you waiting for? Let’s make magic.

Subscribe Now

Tapping into prosperityYearly Subscription
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Your host, Allan

The Mind Alchemist