When is it ready to quit smoking

When is it ready to quit smoking

When you are ready to stop it is easy. As a hypnotist that wants only the best for my clients I always ask many questions. The motivation to stop has to be strong. If it is not there is nothing I ca... ...more

hypnosis ,smoking

March 07, 20253 min read

Working with Non-Verbals

Working with Non-Verbals

How do we work with people who are in hospitals, horses and autistic children. It is by intention. ...more

empowerment ,hypnosis panic &burnout

February 12, 20253 min read

Trump Anxiety

Trump Anxiety

Did you know that the President of the United States has caused anxiety in many? ...more

Anxiety ,hypnosis stress &burnout

February 05, 20252 min read

I messed up big time but had the resources to change it around

I messed up big time but had the resources to change it around

As a coach and mentor I rely on the law of attraction as a tool to know how to move forward. It is like a compass that helps me to know if I am on track or off course. I went off course but here is ... ...more

Anxiety ,hypnosis

January 31, 20253 min read

Food Cravings

Food Cravings

Have you ever had such a hard time with a food that you feel you will never get past the day.... and then the next day it is the same problem. You can interrupt the pattern. ...more

Weight Loss ,hypnosis &stress

January 23, 20251 min read

Dealing with 4 pillars of anxity

Dealing with 4 pillars of anxity

Dealing with anxiety normally takes 5 session because we go through each pillar one at a time ...more

Anxiety ,empowerment hypnosis EFT Tapping stress panic &burnout

January 10, 20252 min read

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