When is it ready to quit smoking

When is it ready to quit smoking

When you are ready to stop it is easy. As a hypnotist that wants only the best for my clients I always ask many questions. The motivation to stop has to be strong. If it is not there is nothing I ca... ...more

hypnosis ,smoking

March 07, 20253 min read

Practical use for pendulum work

Practical use for pendulum work

Since all energy can be measured here is how I use it to make better decisions. Pendulum work was initially taught to me in a live session with Raymon Grace, Master Dowser. ...more

empowerment ,EFT Tapping

March 04, 20255 min read

Measuring energy with a pendulum

Measuring energy with a pendulum

With a pendulum everything can be measured. Energy, thoughts, beliefs and even outcomes. Would it not be empowering to be able to measure the outcome of a relationship or job or partnership prior to ... ...more


March 02, 20253 min read

Mind Control Hack For Chocolate Cravings

Mind Control Hack For Chocolate Cravings

When craving foods, if there is one that is specific, you can try this mind control hack and it will cause a dramatic shift ...more

Anxiety ,empowerment &Weight Loss

February 27, 20251 min read

Working with Non-Verbals

Working with Non-Verbals

How do we work with people who are in hospitals, horses and autistic children. It is by intention. ...more

empowerment ,hypnosis panic &burnout

February 12, 20253 min read

Trump Anxiety

Trump Anxiety

Did you know that the President of the United States has caused anxiety in many? ...more

Anxiety ,hypnosis stress &burnout

February 05, 20252 min read

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