• You find yourself suffering in loneliness and unable to cope with daily activities.

  • Things are getting worst in all areas.

  • Fear and anxiety about your family, your future and your health keep you awake at night.

  • How would you like to wake up every day feeling eager, and go to bed feeling satisfied and fulfilled?

This can be your new reality if you book a call right now.


  • You find yourself suffering in loneliness and unable to cope with daily activities.

  • Things are getting worst in all areas.

  • Fear and anxiety about your family, your future and your health keep you awake at night.

  • How would you like to wake up every day feeling eager, and go to bed feeling satisfied and fulfilled?

This can be your new reality if you book a call right now.

Anxiety can leave you paralyzed with fear and stuck

Most of your life you managed to cope with everyday stuff and suddenly one day you awaken to find yourself depressed, lonely, procrastinating and worried that things will get worst. You don't know exactly when it happened but now you constantly worry about your future, your health and your family. You are not the only one. Millions of people suffer from anxiety. They too want to feel empowered and in control of their lives. You may have tried anti-depressants, cbd and supplements with little or no relief and feel defeated. There is a way to finally have clarity, peace, and emotional freedom, and I have a proven method of getting you there. Don't allow this issue leave you unable to work, sleep, unhealthy or have normal relationships.

Anxiety is Manageable

Most of your life you managed to cope with everyday stuff and suddenly one day you awaken to find yourself depressed, lonely, procrastinating and worried that things will get worst. You don't know exactly when it happened but now you constantly worry about your future, your health and your family. You are not the only one. Millions of people suffer from anxiety. They too want to feel empowered and in control of their lives. You may have tried anti-depressants, cbd and supplements with little or no relief and feel defeated. There is a way to finally have clarity, peace, and emotional freedom, and I have a proven method of getting you there. Don't allow this issue leave you unable to work, sleep, unhealthy or have normal relationships.

Anxiety and Empowerment

Anxiety has root causes. Each experience compounds into the next until a person is unable to function properly. By allowing your mind to resolve these for you, now you can start living again. Using powerful and proven techniques you can take full control of your life.

The first step takes courage. If you are ready for change call now. .

Fears and Phobias

We often avoid things in life that feel uncomfortable. In my own case, when I was in sales, I did not see how the fear of a price objection affected me. I released the fear and people paid me a fair price for what I was selling. People are worried about things like getting sick, losing their jobs, not having enough money. I do not know when it started but I do know that if it does not serve, you can let it go and I have the tools to help. Is the fear of being heard affecting your chance of a pay raise or promotion?

New Life Template

Getting rid of limiting beliefs is something that we promise to do for you. You want to fix or improve something otherwise you would not be here. We can eliminate the habits associated with your past behavior and program in a new belief system making a new improved version of you.

Anxiety can leave you paralyzed with fear and stuck

Are you worried about the future? This is called ANXIETY. It is your mind making up fearful stories about your future. You are not alone in this experience. Millions of individuals grapple with these emotions, yearning to reclaim a sense of control and empowerment. Perhaps you've attempted various remedies and or medication to no avail, leaving you feeling defeated and ensnared in a relentless cycle of anguish and distress. There is hope. I present a proven method to help you shatter the suffocating grip of anxiety and attain clarity, tranquility, and emotional liberation

The process starts with cleaning up the past and underlying grief, sadness and depression that keep you stuck. We then release the triggers that cause the anxiety. We ask your mind to make changes to those habits which are hindering you and we ask it to let go of limiting beliefs. We finally install a new blueprint for the kind of life you wish to have. Be free of the challenges that impede your capacity to work, sleep, maintain your well-being, or cultivate meaningful relationships. Uncover a pathway to a brighter, pain-free future today.

Anxiety is Manageable

Have you ever found yourself managing everyday life, only to suddenly awaken to feelings of depression, loneliness, procrastination, and worry about the future? You're not alone. Millions of people experience these emotions, yearning to regain control and empowerment. Perhaps you've tried various remedies without success, leaving you feeling defeated. But there is hope. I offer a proven method to help you achieve clarity, peace, and emotional freedom. Don't let these challenges hinder your ability to work, sleep, maintain your health, or nurture meaningful relationships. Discover a path to a brighter future today. Resolving anxiety is a process. If you are committed to change you will agree that it is not a one time fix. Anxiety may be seen as long standing fears stacked one on top of the other. After a few sessions you will notice positive changes.

Relief For Everyone Regardless Of Budgets

Free Resources

  • Audio Downloads

  • Group Hypnosis Session

  • Guided Tapping Session

  • Weekly Newsletter

  • Discovery Consult

Single Sessions

  • Ideal for phobias such as flying

  • To experience trans

  • For clarity

  • To align to your desire

  • To Relax

  • Emotional Freedom Technique

  • Emotion Code

  • Reiki or Pendulum Work.


  • Self Hypnosis Workshops

  • Live Speaking and Training

  • Hypnosis Training


  • Anxiety (requires min. 4 sessions)

  • Weight Loss

  • PTSD

  • Obsessive Compulsive Issues

  • Performance Enhancement


  • Any issue requiring long term support

Sounds too easy? Let me make it easier. All you have to do is

Click the button below to book your free Zoom Discovery call.

I want to customize a plan specifically and unique for you.

You are re-invented as a happier, calmer and more peaceful person

Sounds too easy? Let me make it easier. All you have to do is

Click the button below to book your free Zoom Discovery call.

I want to customize a plan specifically and unique for you.

You are re-invented as a happier, calmer and more peaceful person

Real People With Great Outcomes

Steve James

Last week I asked Allan if he could help me. My future seemed dark. Nothing bad, but lots of nothing. No excitement, No direction.

He suggested we do a mindscape to engage my inner wisdom. I was blown away as I was guided through the process.

At times my eyes teared up and then magically things started to change.

Two weeks later I can say that I was offered an amazing job and opportunities previously unseen are now really clear.

I have regained a sense of flow and direction.

I highly recommend these sessions for anybody who feels lost.

I let go of any expectations but I am thrilled beyond words of the outcome.

Dianne Peterson

In August I got engaged. I was thrilled and then the fear set in. How would I look on my wedding day? Those pounds crept in year after year until I was 40lbs more than I did just 10 years ago. Being on lockdown just accelerated the weight gain. Less moving and having the convenience of a refrigerator as a companion. I decided to do something about it. I called Allan and told him I wanted to lose the 40 lbs by the wedding day. Allan did help me. I reasonably lost weight. His words of being kind to myself in the process were of tremendous help to me since I tend to be critical of myself. I got married last week and looked great in my wedding dress. I never felt so beautiful and I am so proud of myself. I still have a bit to go but as I am still losing 3 lbs per week, I will be at target by Christmas. I know I did the work but it was so much easier with your help Allan. You are so kind and thoughtful. Lots of love.

Trisha Grey

A lot of the little things have improved.

My patience is back, my sorrow is controllable, and I have made it a point to tell my body I love it and that the mind and body should work together, and with that I have noticed a lot of the pain has gone. The knee isn’t hurting as much as it was, the ankles aren’t as bad, and the back isn’t sore anymore.

But most importantly, the yelling and screaming and complaining that became background noise is gone…..which I believe has helped with my patience.

I feel like I am slowly getting acquainted with the new me and there is actual hope for growth……it feels like there is more to go, obviously, but at least it feels like I have a path now instead of wallowing in a self-destructive pool of darkness.

Thank you so very much, Allan, I do feel better….much better.

Long way to go, but still better and on the right path.

About Us

Hello! My name is Allan and I am known as the Mind Alchemist.

I lived most of my youth and teenage years living my life in fear. My parents taught me well. They told me never to talk back, never to rock the boat, and never to take chances. As a result, I stayed in jobs I did not like for a long time. I felt resentful for not asking for a raise which I felt I deserved. I ended up in relationships that fell apart. I thought I was broken and would hope that my life would be short. I felt alone and could not share my feelings of shame even amongst family and friends. Maybe I needed to lose my job and my marriage to end to break free but I also knew I could not continue as before.

I learned about the power of the mind and the law of attraction. I decided that I needed to take responsibility for myself and live my dreams as I knew them to be true for me. I started to put my life together very quickly. I got a great job, met the most wonderful woman and my finances soared. To think that for the first 35 years, my life really sucked, and then within 12 months I was happy.

What made total sense to me is that every problem in my life was based on a story I continuously told myself. I learned that if I did not like something I could simply refocus my attention on what I did want and it would happen. As I got better I also learned techniques to support me. The same techniques which I use today with my clients. They include Silva Method, Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Technique, Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, Quantum Touch, Breath Work, and many more.

Fast forward to today. I am okay with who I am. I like myself. I love helping people and enjoy travel and adventure. I go with the flow and do not act or react to the chaos. I continue to work and study not because I have to but because people and experiences bring me joy.

I am grateful to Jo-Anne Eadie, director of the Canadian Hypnosis Academy for inviting me to a hypnosis conference many years back. I have met so many wonderful teachers in the MMHA academy. I have been certified by the Jacquin Academy and Simpson Protocol. Every day brings so much joy to me as I see people get better and better.


Good Day!!

As 2022 comes to an end, I wanted to thank you deeply for all the wonderful support you provided me during the year.

In more ways than one, the growth spurt I had in several areas of my life in 2021 was enabled by you.

I am forever grateful for your guidance and support!

Wishing you a wonderful Holiday Season and thanking you again from the bottom of my heart ❤️

Happy Holidays!

Doreen Lauzon

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Do You Really Want To Drag Things On The Same Old Way

Things stay the same

Your life is not working. You get to choose to remain tired, sick, unhealthy, bored, worried and anxious. This can be your choice or

Finally Make A Change

If you ready to improve your life call today. Even if you procrastinated most of your life, break the pattern. Make the call and I will help. Improved Sleep, Better Mood, Happy at Work, Confident With Your Decision Making, Better Relations

I took the session because I thought a "review" was what I needed.

WOW it was so much more than that. It was GREAT THANK YOU.

Oksana M. Sawiak DDS.(Ret) IMD. MAGD, AIAOMT.

Wellness Consultant, Author, Lecturer,

"The Health Detective" - We Heal Lives

Sawiak Integrative Wellness Institute

Do You Really Want To Drag Things On The Same Old Way?

We move YOU from anxiety to freedom!

Things stay the same

Your life is not working. You get to choose to remain tired, sick, unhealthy, bored, worried and anxious. This can be your choice or

Finally Make A Change

If you ready to improve your life call today. Even if you procrastinated most of your life, break the pattern. Make the call and I will help. Improved Sleep, Better Mood, Happy at Work, Confident With Your Decision Making, Better Relations

Download Your FREE Audio For Anxiety

Download Your FREE Audio For Anxiety

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