Mindalchemist illusion

How does one become a mind alchemist?

September 21, 20242 min read

Rocky Roads Lead to Interesting Places: Embracing Life's Complex Journey

Life is a journey, one that isn't always paved with smooth asphalt and clear signposts. Sometimes, it's the rocky roads that lead us to the most interesting places, revealing layers of ourselves we never knew existed. In this vlog post, I describe how the intricate tapestry of life's challenges contributed to my personal becoming a mind alchemist and the person I now am

When you think of a journey, what comes to mind? Perhaps it's a straightforward path from point A to point B. But for those who have delved into the realms of reiki, hypnosis, and anxiety management, it's clear that life's route is far more complex. The twists and turns, the unexpected potholes, and the steep inclines are all part of what makes us who we are. Maybe your journey is the same as mine or very different. If you had asked me 10 years ago what I would be doing, the answer would be nothing close to the reality I have created.

Consider for a moment the role of a mindalchemist – someone who helps transform mental and emotional states into something more positive and productive. The stories that you tell me are often the stories that keep you recreating the same reality. It really is a skill to listen and simultaneously discover the outcome that a person prefers.

So, while others may only see the exterior of our travels – the moments of success and apparent ease – there is always more to the story. The rocky roads, the detours, and the occasional breakdowns are not just obstacles; they're opportunities to define and refine our essence.

As you watch the video below, you may get to know yourself better. Remember that I can only help you as a result of healing many of the same issues including anxiety, depression, loneliness and much more.

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International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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