what you expect from hypnosis

What do you expect

October 17, 20243 min read

Generally people come to me for anxiety related issues. The list can range to mild social anxiety to disabling panic attacks. I always recommend to people 5 sessions and I often get upset when the client does only 1 and says it does not work. I want to create realistic expectations for you and hence the purpose of this blog.

Let's start with the recommendation. I recommend 5 sessions because I know it works. I then look at what my peers get as far as results and they also get similar results. In the study below, it shows 93% effective in 6 sessions. I have slightly better results in 5 visits. My sessions, which are little longer (1.5 hours +/-15 minutes), may explain why I see results faster and therefore recommend a 5 session and then re-evaluate.

alfred a burrows

How do I charge for my services? I charge per session. If a person wants to bundle it, I am open to it in order to save some money for the client. I also offer a bundle discount. I struggled with this for a long time since I know that magic happens at around the 4th session. We have released enough issues by the 4th that the person is able to move forward with all the tools and resources to succeed. Please do not misunderstand, we often get really good results in just one or two sessions. If this happens, great. If you get results after one session, just say thank you and go live your life. I will be happy to have been on your path. The issue arises when someone is unrealistic in their expectations.

This is what not to expect

  • Quick fixes: Hope for instant relief from their problems that in some cases have been present for decades and hoping that one session will fix everything.

  • Miraculous cures: Some may expect hypnosis to solve their issues entirely and permanently. While some problems do disappear permanently, others need to be addressed and released over time.

  • It will be fixed in the suggested 5 sessions: There are no guarantees or promises. Just like a doctor, we recommend and then at the end of 5 sessions we re-evaluate. You can decide that you are good or come back. You have the choice. When you see us you pay for our time, skill and service. Just like a physio-therapist you pay for a session. If you go in broken they will work on you but never promise that you will walk out after the session in perfect health

This is what you may expect

Deep Relaxation and Tranquility:

  • Stress reduction: Clients often desire a deep sense of relaxation and stress relief.

  • Escape from reality: Some may look for a temporary escape from their daily worries.

Increased Self-Control and Willpower:

  • Breaking bad habits: Clients may want to overcome addictions or negative behaviors.

  • Achieving goals: They might hope to increase their motivation and willpower to achieve their objectives.

Personal Growth and Transformation:

  • Self-discovery: Some clients seek to uncover hidden aspects of themselves.

  • Positive change: They may desire to make significant improvements in their lives.

Enhanced Creativity and Performance:

  • Boosting skills: Clients might hope to improve their athletic abilities, artistic talents, or academic performance.

  • Unlocking potential: They may seek to tap into their full potential.

Please also note that I can not make anybody do what they do not want to do. I can not control the person. Repetition is key in hypnosis. The more times the mind hears the same things in different ways the more likely the suggestion is to stick. If you have concerns, please talk to me. Your success is why I do this work. I often say that if I help 100 people, it is the one I can not help that pushes me to study more and become better.

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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