Allan Hassoun - Master Hypnoptist

My experience in hypnosis

May 15, 20243 min read

The Mind's Alchemist Speaks: A Broader View of finding joy and satisfaction

For years, I've delved into the hidden power of the human mind. Unlike medical doctors, I don't dissect the physical. Instead, as a hypnotist, I'm an alchemist of the mind, transforming perceptions to influence reality. Big medical terms hold no sway over me; my focus is the vast landscape of human experience.

I present generally with three goals:

  • Empowerment: You have choices, you get to decide There really is no victim only those choosing to accept what is.

  • Actionable Tools: I offer immediate, practical steps you can take right now.

  • Emotional Connection: Just like muscles, emotions have to become habitual. Once in motion an object or in this case gains momentum. It has to be exercised into place.

My Personal Lens:

"My Lens of Reality: Finding Strength in Vulnerability"

Growing up, my father cast a long shadow over my life. His values of strength and success were the benchmarks I was expected to meet. But, as hard as I tried, I felt like I never quite measured up. This feeling followed me like a shadow, leaving me rebellious and constantly searching for something better. I was adept at wearing a mask, hiding my struggle in school, at work, and in social settings. On the outside, everything seemed fine, but inside, I was moving through life feeling broken and defective.

Fast forward to 30 years ago, when I made a bold move that would change the trajectory of my life. I managed to secure a job transfer that landed me in Toronto, far from the place that had been suffocating me. My new home was a modest one-room rental, but it was mine. Then, quite by chance, I discovered a healing circle that met weekly just across the street. With little else to occupy my evenings, I decided to attend a few sessions. It was there that I stumbled upon the transformative practices of Reiki, Therapeutic Touch, and the principles of the Law of Attraction.

For the first time in my life, I felt a sense of empowerment. It was as if I had been given the key to a door that I didn't know existed. I dove into the world of energy work and soon crossed paths with Raymon Grace. His teachings on how to move energy resonated with me, and I began to practice and explore. Sure, I made plenty of mistakes along the way. But I like to think of myself as a good person who, like everyone, sometimes made poor choices.

I've come full circle now. I love what I do, and I've learned the art of how to manifest. But when I manifest now, it's with the intention of feeling good and helping others. The teachings of Abraham Hicks have been instrumental in this journey, guiding me towards a path of wellbeing and positive influence.

Today, as a hypnotist, I have the privilege of helping all kinds of people. Each person I meet is on their own unique journey, and if I can be a part of their healing, then I am fulfilling my purpose. My hope is that, by sharing my gifts, I can leave this world a little better than I found it.

In sharing my lens of reality, I hope to inspire others who may feel overshadowed or inadequate. Know that it is possible to break free and find your own path to empowerment. Manifesting isn't just about attracting what you want; it's about transforming who you are and how you impact the world. And sometimes, the greatest strength lies in embracing our vulnerabilities and turning them into our greatest assets.


EmpowermentRaymon GraceAbraham-Hicks
International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

Allan Hassoun

International Speaker, Healer and Hypnotist

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